Thursday, February 23, 2012

Best Cheap Hand Grinder

Kyocera Ceramic Coffee Grinder
A friend recommended this baby to me and I have never looked back!

Kyocera Ceramic Coffee Grinder

For $50 this is a very very good hand grinder. Why would you want a hand grinder when you can get a fancy electric one you ask. Easy

French Press.

If you have a French Press then you really need a hand grinder. Yes we have an electric grinder in our kitchen, but it rarely gets used compared to this baby for two reason really.

  1.  Hand Grinding gives you a far superior amount of control over the grinding of your beans.
  2. It is actually fun to do! Call me crazy if you will but there is something intensely soothing about starting the morning out grinding your own beans. Coffee Zen my hubby calls it.
Anyways, the one drawback to this is that it can be slightly unwieldy to hold down while you are grinding, so my Mother who has arthritis cannot do it. Apart from that though it is a fantastic unit for the price. It is easy to clean which sadly cannot be said about most things in my kitchen (I should stop mentioning my husband shouldn't I?)

It is just perfect for grinding my beans for my French Press.

1 comment:

  1. I just got one of these because of this review and it is AWESOME, thanks so much for this
